When Reiki Calls: My Story

(The following is a post I wrote for my Reiki Teacher Dana Lisa Young - July 2010)

I don’t recall the first time I heard the word Reiki, or if I wondered what it meant. I do know that it slipped into my consciousness and bounced around for a number of years until one day I found myself searching for someone to show me.

One day was a few months ago and that someone was Dana Lisa Young.

I did what everyone does. I Googled it. I then allowed my intuition to help me find the doorway to what I was certain I needed to do next. When I saw Dragonfly Reiki, I knew I was knocking on the right door (Dragonfly was my mother’s favorite movie and one of the last movies I watched with her). When I read Dana’s bio and saw her photo, I knew the door was open.

Simply put, I heard the call and I answered it. I walked through that door and I haven’t looked back since. Not only have I not looked back, consequently I haven’t looked forward. I am right here in this moment and I am sharing my experience in hopes that it will help you to decide if Reiki is right for you.

If you’re reading this, you’ve heard the call. Whether or not you respond is up to you. Like anything else in life, Reiki is a choice.

When I chose Reiki and the teacher, I chose so many unexpected things. For instance, I’ve always been more aware of my spiritual nature. I have meditated off and on for years – alone, in groups and with another. And I have seen things in some of those meditations that made everyday life look like a joke to me. As a result, I haven’t been very grounded. In a sense, connected and yet still lost. I can honestly say I no longer feel lost. And even though I’ve had Reiki experiences that would lead some to believe I’m just plain crazy, I am now very much here – more in tune with everyday life than I have ever been. The balance is not perfect, but my feet are more firmly on the ground…even when my head is in the clouds.

What has my life been like since my first attunement? Well, I’d be lying if I said it was suddenly a bed of roses. I don’t look ten years younger and I haven‘t won the lottery because my energy is now attracting only good things. But you know what? It’s okay. As a matter of fact, it’s so okay that I woke up one morning and decided to stop coloring my hair. Just like that. I have never enjoyed that process and decided it was no longer a worthwhile use of my time or money. Why bother when I’m just going to have to do it again in a few short weeks? This may sound silly to you, but it has been very liberating for me. In a more general sense, I’ve noticed a significant decline in my stress level. My attitude towards family, friends and co-workers has shifted and I now have a better sense of what to say, when to say it and, more importantly, when to listen. I don’t always get it right, but that’s okay too. I am noticing that those less-than-perfect moments no longer have the same power over me and as a result the negative thoughts and emotions do not linger.

If you asked me to describe a Reiki self treatment, I would tell you that the moment I raise my hands and ask for what I refer to as “Reiki Rain,“ I feel an instant surge of energy that I would compare to the feeling you get when a storm is coming. The atmosphere is charged with electricity and anticipation. When I put my hands together, repeat the admonitions and set my intention that same electric energy surrounds me like a warm blanket. My hands become heavy and I slip into an easy groove of acceptance of healing and a feeling of gratitude. It is that simple.

I’ve only had one moment of fear during a self treatment, but having made the commitment I chose to let go of that fear and trust the process. Without going into too much personal detail, I felt the strong presence of another. I let them stay and the experience was one I will never forget. I saw colors in a way I had not seen them before, like a camera with the shutter wide open and a dust-free lens. By the end of the session I was crying, but that was okay too. I was not upset.

If the “presence of another” confession leads you to believe that I do fall into the “just plain crazy” category, I understand. But if it makes you feel better, it isn’t usually like that. More often than not, it’s just comforting. Like a good massage on a non-physical level. Sometimes I get up from the table and I feel sleepy, so I know I need to rest. Sometimes I get up and feel energized, so I know I need to do something. And sometimes I’m just more content to go about the routine of daily life.  I might add that I’m a wife, a mother, a grandmother and a staff agent for State Farm.  How normal is that?

As for sharing it with others, I am learning that the experience is a little different for everyone. I have channeled Reiki for my youngest daughter who experienced relief from anxiety, but continues to struggle with a deep sadness so our sessions are infrequent. It is too much for her right now. On demand, I channeled Reiki for my middle daughter who described it as itchy and hot. She was curious and thanked me afterwards. She’s straightforward like that. My husband also described it as itchy and was certain that I pinched his ears. Not surprisingly, he has trouble with his ears. When he got up, he was yawning and I was glad to see him relaxed since he is typically hyper. He also told me that mornings would be better for him. A friend and her daughter both described heat and that night I learned that Reiki is truly in charge. My friend was feeling a lot of tension in her shoulders that did not respond to my hands when placed in that area. Instead, she felt a warm rush and release in her shoulders when I touched her feet. Go figure.

To date, the most touching sessions have been with my granddaughter. She is five years old, sweet, sassy and everything in between. She lets go in an instant and I am honored by her trust. One night she was so agitated and out of control that I informed her we were going to the table. She didn’t argue. She wanted to go. She kept her eyes open that time and we whispered to each other.

$150 for Reiki I: a day to remember. Time, energy and commitment to daily self treatment: beginning to see results. $160 for a Reiki Table and another $30 for music: a more comfortable place to do Reiki. $170 for a beautiful, soft sage room divider: privacy, so people walking around in the kitchen don’t stare into the sunroom and make fun of you while you’re lying on a table with your hands up in the air! Seeing a sweet smile on your granddaughter’s face when she places her own hands beneath yours and whispers “I can feel it, Grammy!”: priceless.

Okay, so I paid Dana with a check. You get my point. And truthfully, I’ve spent less money than I did on my hair last year.

If you choose to share the experience of a Reiki attunement with Dana Lisa Young, you will not choose – as someone so aptly put it in a testimonial – an “airy fairy.” Dana presents the gift of Reiki in a concise and intelligent manner. No frills, no nonsense. And with just the right amount of humor.

My advice to you? If you hear the call, answer it. I assure you, it’s okay.